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  • Dajana Therqaj

Chapter 3: Beauty

What is 'beauty'? Well, in the Oxford dictionary, the definition is "a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight."; what does that mean, though? Pleasing to the sight of others and one's view? When you search up 'beauty' on google, some things that are mentioned are new beauty products, ways to lose fat, and other articles on why thin bodies were not always attractive. It is very odd as to how 'beauty' has been described and altered to fit many different things. When I think of 'beauty,' I picture the beauty within all, not the physical outlook. Yet there are times when a physical attraction is added, like seeing someone on TikTok and thinking, 'wow, they are so gorgeous,' making it pleasing to the eye. It makes one feel a certain way, but dividing everyone up due to those standards is odd and almost unfair; why should I feel this way? I mean, everyone holds different standards on what they find pleasing to look at; do those standards change depending on where we are from? Or how we were raised to think one thing is more beautiful than another? In Albanian culture, one thing that makes one beautiful, from my understanding, would be modesty, acting like a house-wife although you ain't one, along with minimalistic make-up so they can truly see if one is beautiful or not genetically, and if they ain't then they would have to be good at the rest. If they are not good at the rest either, it is very hard for them to truly find you beautiful (from my understanding); that is very unfair and, if anything, old-fashioned.

What does it mean to me? Well, I believe everyone is beautiful by default; that is something that God has given us and made us beautiful with; not all should look the same, and yet all are beautiful; what would make one ugly would be the way they act rather than how they may appear and look, I believe the soul is the true beauty everyone holds so we always gotta look at ourselves even if at the moment we don't feel it, and say "I'm beautiful" even if we do not see it or feel it, mentally thinking that way will make you feel like "yes, you are," we all need the confidence and the number one enemy to make us feel like we may not be that way is our own selves, once we start questioning our appearance to the social standards we are giving up on ourselves and only listening to others, pleasing them, rather than ourselves. I truly believe that that is wrong; we should not have to try for others but rather for ourselves. The goal is to say, "I'm beautiful, and I don't even care if you know it. I'm beautiful, which is why I don't have to try so hard all the time to show it.". 'Beauty' is so hard to judge, and thus we shouldn't; we should not feel obligated to look or feel a certain way for others. I do not like to compare myself to another's physical beauty; if anything, its saddening too, one may put in 100% effort to look the way they wish others to see them, and others just do not; it does not make the other person uglier or to place into comparison with the person that may look better, even if they both try and give their 100% and still one may look better than another, true beauty is when one cares about only doing good, and acting good out of sincere care for others, rather than looking good and having others reach out to them just because of that, at that point I would just feel used, rather than cared for me as a person; so that is beauty (in my opinion), one's soul and the way they embed goodness in their lives. What do you think 'beauty' means and is to you?

Song of the week: Give It To The water- Stormzy

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