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Dajana Therqaj

Chapter 4: Gratitude

Gratitude is "the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness." as defined by the oxford dictionary. Regarding this topic, I thought of something the day before when talking to a friend about what I am grateful for and miss; I talked about the memories from 'back home' in Albania, mentioning how there were no bathtubs or shower heads in the little village we would go every summer at my grandparents, and that my aunts would have to help us take a bath and heat up hot water for us, taking baths at the stable beside pigs and sheep, it is honestly funny to think, but probably one of the most valuable memory I have of 'back home.' However, everything has been modernized now, and I could never wish back for it and actually get that same experience again; you never truly appreciate what you have till you remember what you did not have. At times minimalism can be so much greater, not having to compare the value with others or trying to show off, but essentially having just what you need, which is family, love and someone to care for. Gratitude is so deep and important for one to use; being thankful and showing it is not weak; I think it is one of the most important things we have. Displaying appreciation is the best thing one can see, such as when little kids open their gifts, especially when they are young; it is just the idea of seeing the kid smile and jump up and down with excitement for something that was made or simply wasn't that expensive but the thought that came with it; like remembering what they like or really listening and paying attention to the things they admire or pay attention to daily. I try to make gift-giving as caring as possible; I love showing the recipient that I pay attention to them, as they will appreciate it, and I will appreciate myself as much for paying attention to those little elements that, in reality, are really big.

Today I am grateful for all the little things. Even when the big things suck, there are always plenty of little things I can be at least a little grateful for. If I always see the positive in things, although some may think it is turning a blind eye or running away, I simply think it's a way to see the good in everything; better to try than not to. I would rather be happy with what I have and hope to have even more (this would depend on myself); I cannot be angry at others for what I do not have if they never took anything from me. Looking only at the negative is easy, but that won't benefit anyone. For example, you could be grateful for our modern life and all the STEM individuals who have developed so much, making it all look magical. However, it is all logic and theory that brought it to life. Could you imagine life without the internet? It is sometimes nice to go back to those times when you would be playing physical games and spending more quality time with others. Still, this new invention has brought so much, like communication with others overseas, online shopping (which may be good or bad cause I spend my money way too much now), and so many different ways to express ourselves on social media, which again can be a good or bad thing honestly; on another keynote regarding social media, if you have nothing nice to say, just do not say it, there is not a reason to hurt another for your benefit of feeling better, think before you say. Be grateful for all you have, such as a healthy body with everything intact and blessed with a family and loved ones to spend the holidays with. Be grateful for life; not everyone made it this far. Be proud of all you have accomplished this year, and hope to do much more the next. Stay safe and ensure you check in on others, be grateful, and show it to others, so they know they are important in your life. Display to them what you wish they do to you; if they do less, be the better person and always accomplish more if you care, do not compare as often as you do; it is not healthy. Loving and showing love is better than not having a use for your emotions; let them flow out and show you care.

p.s. this year was hard; you learned a lot and went through a lot, not all bad, but not all great, so… do not give up! Others are here for you, you do not always have to ask, but you can if you want.

Song of the day (Dec.31st): “How can I love the heartbreak, you’re the one I love” - AKMU

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